Bežim, da se zaščitim pred plemenskimi vojnami, etničnimi konflikti,
smrtonosnimi konflikti. Edino, kar je jasno je, da je status begunca
moja edina zaščita ta trenutek.
Ženske, moški, starejši ljudje, otroci, hendikepirani, vsi bežijo
z menoj, da se zaščitijo pred morilskimi in barbarskimi bitkami,
vsi v iskanju zatočišča v istem trenutku.
Iščem boljšo prihodnost.
Odhajam, nevarnost je za menoj, pritiska ni več.
Še posebej se izognem zavistnim.
Stran grem in se izognem konfliktnim.
Vem, da so nekateri ksenofobni, povejte jim, da je bil strah razlog za moje izgnanstvo.
Verjamem, da obstajajo tudi ne-tako-grozna plemenita bitja.
Nimam izbire kot da letim čez meje.
Imam pravico in moram spoštovati svojo čast.
Ni nujno, da me zadane neustavljivo trpljenje, ki povzroča sramoto.
Nisem le sin izgubljene človečnosti, sem tudi opazovalec ogroženega sveta.
Hočem stran, stran od lakote.
Begunska taborišča niso nikogaršnja izbira.
A so mnogo boljša kot goreča mesta in vasi polne mrtvecev.
Kdo bo obesil sporočilo na veliki zvon?
Bežim, ker se bojim.
Avtor: Olivier Teganyi
I take flight to protect myself from tribal wars, ethnic wars, deadly conflicts. One thing I’m sure is that refugee status is my only protection at the moment.
Women, men, old people, children, handicaps, all flee with me to protect themselves from murderous and rascal fights, all in search of refuge at the same moment.
I’m going in search of a better future
I’m leaving, the danger is behind me, I am under pressure.
I especially avoid the envious
I go away and ignore the incongruous.
I know some humans are xenophobic, let them know that it was fear that caused my exile.
I believe there are also some not-so-horrible noble beings.
Undeniably I have to fly over the borders
I must deserve and respect my honor.
I don’t have to be struck by unstoppable suffering that causes dishonor.
I am not only the son of a lost humanity but also the spectator of a world in danger.
I want to leave, to take away my hunger.
No one chooses refugee camps
But camps are better than a burning town or village full of corpses.
Who is going to ring the bell?
I chose to take flight because fear creates exile.